Interferon-tau (IFN-τ:195 aa) is a unique protein secreted only from ruminant and plays a very important role of pregnancy recognition. However, the source of IFN-τ is recombinant IFN-τ using E.coli expression system and it is very difficult to obtain. Therefore basic research and application research for improving pregnancy is highly limited. Besides, use of recombinant IFN-τ for field application is strictly regulated by biosafety and public consensus. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to discover the active site of IFN-τ by using of synthetic peptides as a substitute for recombinant IFN-τ. Eleven peptides (long chain: 27-28 aa, short chain: 7-17 aa) were chemically synthesized from amino acid sequence of IFN-τ. To confirm the agonistic activity of the synthetic peptides, single or mixed peptides were added to cultured bovine endometrium stromal cells to detect gene expression of interferonstimulated genes (ISGs). Recombinant IFN-τ was also added as a positive control. Next experiment was performed to confirm the antagonistic activity of the synthetic peptides. Single or mixed peptides was added to stromal cells with recombinant IFN-τ followed by detecting of ISGs expression. IFN-τ significantly stimulated ISGs expression, whereas all peptides did not stimulate. Besides, addition of single or mixed peptides with IFN-τ showed no inhibitory effect. Overall results suggest that synthetic peptides would not have sufficient agonistic and antagonistic ability or lost the binding ability to IFN receptor by the possible structural change or no activity site having.
[Introduction] Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is well known as a heat shock (HS) induced protein that has function as intracellular chaperones for other proteins to help the cells against the stress condition. Although HS is common to induce HSP70 expression to add stress-resistant ability to the cells, HS causes the toxicity to cells and tissues such as increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recently, a standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis stem (EAS), produced from by-product of asparagus, was found to induce HSP70 expression without HS and regulating cellular redox balance in human cells. However, effect of EAS on reproductive cells is unknown. In the present study, we investigated the effect of EAS on HSP70 induction and antioxidant defense system in bovine cumulus cells. [Materials and Methods] Bovine cumulus cells were treated with various concentration of EAS (0.5, 1 and 5 mg/ml) for 6 h at 38.5°C followed by sampling to analyze gene and protein expression of HSP70 as well as gene expressions related to antioxidant system. Besides, intracellular ROS and reduced form of glutathione (GSH) were detected and quantified by using fluorescent dyes. [Results] EAS significantly increased gene expression of HSP70 whereas no effect to HSP27 and 90. Moreover, protein expression of HSP70 was also increased by EAS. Besides, EAS decreased intracellular ROS generation and increased GSH synthesis significantly with enhancement in the gene expressions of antioxidant enzymes such as The Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase, Peroxiredoxin, Glutamate Cysteine Ligase as well as Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 transcription factor that contribute to keep intracellular antioxidant status with GSH synthesis and scavieging ROS. These results suggest that EAS has beneficial effect to bovine cumulus cells by improving HSP70 expression and antioxidant defense system under non-heat shock condition.
【目的】反芻動物特異的な妊娠認識物質であるインターフェロン・タウ(IFNT)は着床前後期には母体子宮内膜においてIFN誘導遺伝子群(ISGs)の発現を誘導する。ISGsは妊娠認識や着床に関与するとともに,早期受胎判定としての利活用も期待されている。我々はこれまでに,ISGsの一種であるISG15, MX1, MX2が外子宮口内腔および腟底部壁の粘膜組織においても妊娠特異的な高発現誘導を示すことを明らかにしたが,子宮外組織における他の妊娠応答遺伝子に関する知見はない。そこで子宮外組織における網羅的な遺伝子発現解析をもとにウシ子宮外組織における妊娠応答遺伝子の探索と妊娠検出を目的とした。【方法】人工授精(AI)実施後,18日後のホルスタイン種乳用牛から採取した外子宮口粘膜(CM)における発現解析をRNA-seqにより行い,候補遺伝子としてinterferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1(IFIT1)を選出した。AI後14,18,24日目に同組織の採取を行い,妊娠の成否はAI後30日目と45日目の妊娠診断で判断した。またIFNT誘導性を検証するために,食肉公社から採取した非妊娠ウシCM組織を採取・細切後,組み換えウシIFNTを添加して24時間培養しIFIT1発現を解析した。【結果】AI後18日目に採取したCMにおいては,IFIT1が非妊娠サンプルと比較して妊娠サンプルで発現量の増加傾向がみられた。さらに14,18,24日目におけるIFIT1の遺伝子発現の経時的変化を調べたところ,IFNT産生ピークである18日目を頂点とした挙動を示した。また,IFIT1のIFNT誘導性については,IFNT添加CMで発現量が増加する傾向があった。これらの結果から妊娠初期のCMにおけるIFIT1発現にはIFNTの関与ならびに早期妊娠応答の新たな指標の可能性が示唆された。